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Sean Kensington

Date of Birth:
Competition Class(es):
29er (helm)

Top-three sailing accomplishments
11th at the 2023 29er world championships
1st at the 2023 29er NZ national championships.
1st at the P Class NZ national championships (2019, 2021)

How did you get into sailing?
I started sailing in a Mistral with my dad when I was 8. We would sail out of Tamaki Yacht Club and do some of the weekend racing and regattas.
What is your favourite food after a long day on the water?
Cereal or sushi.
Where is your favourite place to sail?
Noumea, New Caledonia.
What is your favourite thing to do when not sailing?
Wingfoiling with mates.
Who are your role models?
Damien Leroy, my dad and my grandad.
What is the best thing about sailing your youth class boat?
With the speed and the tightness of the racing, it is a very tactical class with large fleets so there are always big gains and losses to be made, making for some exciting racing.

What was the proudest moment of your sailing to date?
The comeback that we achieved at the 2023 29er class worlds. After qualifying we were much further back than we were hoping to be, but in the finals series, we turned it around and managed to finish up 11th, just outside our goal of top 10.
What do you hope to achieve in sailing in the next 12 months?
I hope to perform to our ability at the youth worlds at the end of the year and then transition into the 49erFX. I am also going to have a go at being a 29er crew next season and gain selection for the youth worlds next year.
How will you prepare for the 2023 youth sailing world championships?
By sailing as much as possible after exams, until we leave for Brazil.
What are your sailing career goals?
To compete in the Olympics as well as continue to enjoy sailing to an old age.


Sean and Rowan Kensington in action at the 2023 Oceanbridge NZL Sailing Regatta. Photo / Adam Mustill Photography