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Auckland Anniversary Day regatta

YNZ Advocacy Update: Mussel Farm at Stephenson Island (Whangaroa)

Issue date

This application from Westpac Mussel Distributors Ltd is for a large (125ha) mussel farm on the Western side of Stephenson Island (Whangaroa). YNZ’s concerns are its effect on navigation and anchorage, both for recreation and refuge.

Consent has been granted for the farm. The hearing commissioners said there were some minor, or possibly more than minor, adverse effects requiring mitigation and that could only be achieved by modifying Westpac Mussel’s proposal.

These included effects on the outstanding natural character of nearby Cone Island, on the natural character of the margin of Stephenson Island, on small boat anchoring and recreational and Maori customary fishing.

The tipping point for the commissioners in granting the consent was the economic benefit the farm would bring to the region.

The commissioners granted Westpac Mussels the consents needed for the proposed farm, but for a reduced 94.05ha area, roughly 30ha smaller than had been sought. 

YNZ will appeal this decision. Once the appeal has been filed YNZ will make the appeal document available via the YNZ website. 

Banner image: Christine Hansen