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Andy Maloney

Yacht Clubs embrace LiteClub

Issue date

The LiteClub programme is proving popular with 16 yacht clubs around the North Island already on board and freeing up money through the energy efficiency service offered.  

As part of this completely free service, the LiteClub team visits clubs and shows them ways to be more efficient with electricity, water and waste management. 

16 yacht clubs are now working with LiteClub including the Ponsonby Cruising Club, who was one of the most recent to be visited. LiteClub upgraded 58 energy hungry light-bulbs to energy efficient models, saving the club $7,850 over the extended lifetime of the new lighting. Water saving aerators were fitted to the hand basin taps and the hot water cylinder pipes were insulated with lagging. LiteClub also work with Powershop, who estimated that Ponsonby Cruising Club could reduce its electricity bill by $995 per year if the club switched supply. 

LiteClub is led by New Zealand sporting heroes, including Barbara Kendall. Since 2008, she has been making changes in her own life to reduce her environmental impact. By signing up for the LiteClub programme, the yachting community have been following Barbara's lead and freeing up more money for sport.

"The LiteClub team know that clubs are run by busy people so they do all the hard work," says LiteClub ambassador Barbara Kendall. "They’ve been pretty busy too – the programme is taking off at a rate of knots with 218 clubs of all codes in the programme. Together, they have freed up $685,000 for more sport."

LiteClub is all about more money for sport and healthier, stronger communities. Interested clubs can join the programme at or contact the LiteClub team for further information at or 09 377 6792.