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Wakatere BC signs on for Bart's Bash - World Record Attempt

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Wakatere Boating Club is the first NZ club to sign up for Bart’s Bash on September 21st - an official  Guinness World Record attempt at the largest sailing event in the world. It’s organised by the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation as a fundraiser and a mass participation event, ‘inspiring the next generation’.  Andrew (aka Bart) Simpson was the British Olympic medallist and America’s Cup professional sailor who was tragically killed last year.

Club member Jim Turner has this to say – “It's fantastic that Wakatere Boating Club has signed up for BART’S BASH. I raced against Bart for over 20 years and am really pleased that we'll be getting involved on September 21st.

Bart & I grew up racing against each other in the UK Laser Youth Squad & raced against each other regularly including the 2012 London Olympics in the Star class.

Many of Bart’s friends from the America’s Cup & Olympic sailing are based in Auckland & everyone I've spoken to is really excited about BART’S BASH & are keen to make it a big celebration for the great man. There is already growing support from NZ marine industry companies to help support the event & we aim to have a great day of sailing plus a decent social afterwards. Just the way Bart would've liked it!”

You are invited to take part in the largest sailing event in the world… BART”S BASH WORLD RECORD ATTEMPT on 21st September 2014.

The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation is planning a monster sized attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for 'The Largest Sailing Event in the World', which we are calling 'Bart's Bash'!

The idea is to have a mass participation club race across the UK and the whole World. We know that pretty much every club has a race on Sunday morning, with all kinds of boats taking part, the goal is to get everyone participating together to create one big event race. If we can get hundreds of clubs taking part, with just their normal sailors racing on the water, we will generate thousands of Guinness World Record Holders in Andrew 'Bart' Simpson's name.

Jez Payne from 'The Bart Project' commented "It is one of those ideas that has huge potential to be a major, major event that absolutely honours the core of what Andrew was about".

If you are the right person to sign your club up then please email on the button below. An event briefing for clubs & competitors is going to be launched on the 1st of February and there will be further dates when more event details will be published in the run up to Bart's Bash.