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Victoria Friday Night Special – Introduction to Racing at Richmond Yacht Club

Issue date

Richmond Yacht Club runs a series of eight races over the summer months for adults who would like to experience "a taste of sailing", or who have experience and are looking to find a place as crew on a boat.

First Race - Friday 17th October

“Each race you are allocated to a different boat which can range in size from a 26ft to 44ft yacht,” explains Kate Herstell from the Club. “It is also great for networking - we encourage crew members to let skippers know that they are available to crew for any of their other racing throughout the year.”

This popular event allows newcomers to experience sailing (and its social side) in a friendly and relaxed environment. The RYC’s Victoria Friday Night Special is a series of fun sailing (non-Spinnaker) races around the harbour followed by short seminars introducing the basics of sailing after each race. 

Total cost is $200 which includes Crew Membership, Race Entry Fee and Seminars.

Flyer | Crew Entry Form | Boat-Entry Form