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Paul Snow-Hansen and Dan Willcox

Researcher after feedback from kiwi boat owners

Issue date

Portuguese PhD student Luis Silveira was in New Zealand last Autumn doing some research, and he would now appreciate feedback from kiwi boat owners (and yachties who do not own their boat but who rent or borrow from friends) to complete his work.

Luis would like feedback from people who live in New Zealand and who sail regularly, and he suggests it will only take five to eight minutes to complete.

Luis explains, “I'm a PhD student from Portugal. I'm doing my research in Nautical Tourism (yachting) as a local economic promoter. In the last months of April and May I was in New Zealand to study and to research about your national and strong economy related with the sea activities.”

“For me to be able to conclude my research, it will be very important if I get the yachtsmen feedback about their nautical lifestyle.”

You can help him out by completing his on-line survey here.