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Sam Meech

Hawkes Bay EIT students add sailing to work and life skills

Issue date

On November 20th, several Year 1 students studying on the Certificate in Work and Life Skills (Level 1 Supported Learning) course at EIT, Hawkes Bay, enjoyed a beautiful day on the water with Sailability Hawkes Bay and Monkeys Fist Yachting Academy at the Napier Sailing Club.

There were a few 'regulars' amongst the group, faces familiar to Sailability Hawkes Bay who took a leadership role in sharing their knowledge of sailing with their peers.

The course these students are taking at EIT focuses on developing and improving practical skills which will assist in independence for learning, working and living. It is aimed to enable students to take a more active role in employment and community, and for the handful of experienced sailors it was a taste into the realm of coaching, and for the first timers, this was an opportunity to push their personal boundaries.

Because Sailability Hawkes Bay now has four of the accessible Access Dinghies (two 303's and two liberties), the sport opportunity became fully inclusive to the whole classroom, and everybody was able to be on the water at one time. Monkeys Fist Yachting Academy had their Ross 830 keelboat on site to give a taste of big boat sailing, a different challenge that takes more teamwork and communication to sail.  

It made for a great day!