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Halberg Trust Re- Brands as Halberg Disability Sport Foundation

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Last month, the Halberg Trust changed name to become known as the 'Halberg Disability Sport Foundation', with its community-based disability sport programme becoming 'AllSports'.

The Westpac Halberg Awards will remain the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation's flagship fundraising event and New Zealand's pre-eminent event to honour and celebrate sporting excellence.

Halberg Disability Sport Foundation National Manager, Nicki Turner, says two years of consultation, research and planning have gone into the Foundation's new strategic direction.

"This organisation has achieved a lot since Sir Murray Halberg established the 'Murray Halberg Trust for Crippled Children' in 1963 with a vision that all young people, regardless of their ability, should have an equal opportunity to enhance their lives through sport."

"Since then hundreds of great New Zealanders have worked hard to help Sir Murray's vision become a reality for the thousands of physically disabled young people living in New Zealand."

"The Foundation recognises that today there is no longer a question of whether disabled people should be included in sport, but rather how we can make sure all people can benefit from what sport has to offer."

"This shift in thinking has been the driver for change in our organisation, and we are excited by the potential we have to make a real difference to the lives of physically disabled young people and their families, by enabling them to participate in sport," says Nicki.  

The Halberg Disability Sport Foundation has also launched its new interactive website designed to connect physically disabled young people and their families to inclusive sport opportunities available in their regions.