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Rangitoto College

From David’s Desk: November 2012

Issue date

Hi everyone, We’re in planning mode here – we’ve started our “2013 and beyond” strategic planning process with the RSOs facilitating meetings with clubs and collating the feedback. I would like to thank those who have taken time out of your busy schedules to contribute and I hope the outcomes reflect your input and concerns when we come back to you and share our future plan.

There have been several common themes come through;

• YNZ’s advocacy work on behalf of members is high on the list of priorities, and the social side of our sport needs attention with more emphasis on having fun in whatever type of boat is available.

• Help with retaining and growing volunteers and reducing the cost of high ticket items such as insurance, fuel, ribs and motors are also high on the list for many clubs, and these are areas that we recognise and are working on for you.

• We are talking to leading insurance companies about your concerns and hope to have something tangible back to you before the end of the year.

• Additionally we are investigating the use of GSB cards with the benefit of group buying power on a wide range of products the cost of which impacts heavily on club budgets.

I can assure you that we are putting a great deal of effort into this area on your behalf and with funding from Sport New Zealand we now have a Commercial and Sponsorship Manager, Mike Hall-Taylor to drive this.

There is a BUT though - In order for Yachting New Zealand to maximise benefits to you we need your help.  The secret to providing you a significant price advantage is to demonstrate to suppliers our group purchasing power - we need to be able tell them who and how many people we can reach, and at present we cannot provide this information.

What we do need is for all clubs to agree to provide Yachting New Zealand with their databases and membership details.


The board sailing enthusiasts among you won’t have missed the hot debate over which discipline should be raced in Rio – kite boards or windsurfers. This one has come to a head right now with the ISAF Council to decide whether the decision on Kite-Board Racing’s inclusion in the 2016 Olympic Games is to be re-visited at this week’s annual ISAF Conference on in Dublin.

Yachting New Zealand remains in support of Wind Surfing as an Olympic sport for 2016 and this is reflected in a Yachting New Zealand submission to ISAF on the matter made in July. Take a read of the official statement published on our website if you want to know more.


Finally, there’s plenty going on the area of advocacy right now. We have made a submission on the proposal for a 24 hectare farm in the Whangaroa Harbour in Northland and I’d urge boaties and yachties in the region to take a look at what’s being proposed and to make sure you have a say by completing your own submission to the Northland Regional Council. Andrew Clouston provides the details here.


Best regards