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Campaign Update: Team Jolly February 2013

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Team Jolly have been getting back into the swing of things, and keeping rather busy!  With sailing, cross training and all of the planning that has to go in at these early stages taking up a lot of our time…

Anyway, just a bit of an update, we had our first regatta back of the season, which was the Oceanbridge Sail Auckland Regatta, held at the Royal Akarana Yacht Club, where we had a rather blustery three day event!!

We were a little rusty, and did rather a bit more swimming than we might have liked, but still managed to come away with the overall title, taking down all the men’s teams which was fun!!

Since then it has been back into daily training mode, as well as getting things sorted for the next four years. We have our first boat of this next campaign currently being built at Mackay Boats in Silverdale (nice and local) – Proudly sponsored by our new boat sponsor Kingspan– and with our container due to leave NZ bound for Europe in mid March, we have more than a little on!!!

We also attended the 50th Westpac Halberg Sports Awards last week, which was an amazing event to be able to go to, we had an excuse to get all dressed up which was a bit of fun – not our usual sailing gear and zink…

In other very cool news, we were both recently presented with our lovely new cars from the great guys at Flexi Lease, so we are moving up in the world! and finally both have roof racks and cars that can successfully tow a 470 around!  The cars are pictured below – on one of our team cross training sessions!