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2014 Queen Charlotte Huff and Puff

Issue date

The Waikawa Boating Club is introducing a new and exciting event on October 4th this year.

The Queen Charlotte Huff and Puff is a regatta from Waikawa Bay to Punga Cove combined with a challenging run from Punga Cove up Mt Stokes and back.

Inaugural Burnsco Huff n Puff Mt Stokes Challenge  is a Multisport event combining sailing with running where runners will be using yachts as part of their race event to and from their running leg.

The regatta is a straight forward sail from Waikawa Boating Club with each boat having their assigned runners with them. Once at Punga Cove the runners are off loaded and they run up Akehbloms  / Titirangi public roads then traversing the Okoha Saddle to the top of Mt Stokes, a peak of 1795 m over a run of 10.4 km then the same in reverse.

There is an easier option whereby runners turnaround at the entrance to the Okoha Saddle returning to Punga Cove Resort. Total distance approx. 13 km. Elevation entrance Okoha Saddle 500m

It will also be the first time Mt Stokes has been used in any sporting challenge. Mt Stokes is the highest peak in Marlborough Sounds.

Website site and more details.