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Jason Saunders

Get your news published - submit online today!

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We’d like to see more interesting ‘grass roots’ stories from Yacht Clubs around  New Zealand in this newsletter, so if you have a story to tell, or regatta report that you think is of interest to New Zealand’s yachting community, submit online now and we’ll do our best to publish it in upcoming newsletters.

Avoid writing a creative novel – we’d prefer something short and snappy of around 200-300 words. You can even submit your news story online.

Here are a few ‘media writing’ tips which may help you...

1. Start with the date and where/who it’s coming from 
2. The most important information should be in the first sentence or two – no one wants to have to read through to the end to find out who won
3. Start by covering... WHO, WHEN, WHAT, WHERE, HOW
4. Supporting info follows in descending order of importance
5. Timeliness is important – don’t let it become ‘old news’ before you send it
6. Word economy is important – make it short and snappy 
7. Limit paragraphs to around one to three sentences 
8. Include quotes from key people if possible
9. Put the report in the email, or attach it as a word document 
10. Attach one or two images to the email if you have them (With photo credit note if required)
11. Accuracy – proof read it and use spelling and grammar check
12. Email to the Briefings Editor

You can also send the same report to other sailing news websites, the local community paper, and the boating magazines.

Use our handy online form to submit your news story today.